This corner building on Poděbrady’s colonnade is in a well-known and peaceful central part of the town. The currently closed Hotel Orfeus was set up in what were originally two separate buildings – the Tatra boarding house and that part of the Orfeus building facing the colonnade.
- Náměstí T. G. Masaryka, Poděbrady
- 2015 - 2017
Project works
- 2014 - 2015
Cooperation on projects
- Marek Tichý
- Štěpán Macura
- Ema Zábojová
- Pavlína Ilko

We are once again functionally separating the two original buildings in our design. Apartments are planned for the former Tatra boarding house building. Materially, the building remains unchanged; the original service entrance from Tyršova street is used as the entrance.
The new hotel building interior remains the same, but the inadequate standard is improved. The hotel roof structure is also removed, and two new storeys are added. The ground level has been lowered to pavement level, resulting in wheelchair access for what originally lay over multiple levels. The space in front of the hotel is paved and holds benches and plant boxes with greenery. The second storey now contains a conference hall which can be divided into two sections. The next two storeys contain only hotel bedrooms. The final, fifth, receding storey contains a large apartment.
The newly designed ground floor restaurant, considered another separate functional unit from the hotel, includes a conservatory which goes out onto the colonnade parterre.
The original dull hotel facade gets a new protruding corner section which shelters the main entrance to the hotel. It complements the similar material design on the building across the road, but uses wood in the form of horizontal battens inserted into the apparently thin steel panel frames which the whole corner section is covered in.
The architecture and colours of both buildings differ in order to correspond to their interiors. The apartment building keeps a plaster facade of light earthy colour and the original window divisions. The hotel building has a grey-coloured facade and new window layout with wooden features – rails, dividing strips, shading slats.