The project is based on the study “the Kampa Park” elaborated by the Garden and Landscape Studio. The principal articulation of the park and the character of is based on the existing situation and modifies it on the basis of historical reminiscences.
- Praha 1
Project works
- 2009 - 2012
Cooperation on projects
- Marek Tichý

The project is based on the order of its investor, the Municipal Authority for Prague 1, a part of which was also the study “the Kampa Park” elaborated by Ing. Z. Sendler and Ing. V. Babka of the Garden and Landscape Studio in November 2005. The project is directly based on this study.
The principal articulation of the park and the character of is based on the existing situation and modifies it on the basis of historical reminiscences.
The northern and southern parts of the park are designed with
a relation to the city and their dimension provides a comfortable access for pedestrians including an envisaged bicycle route and allows for the access of public transport, fire brigade, ambulance, police, etc.
This area is not only a road but has the character of a promenade,
a boulevard with park furniture where art work can be displayed and serve as an open gallery whose programme will be related to that of the Sova Mill Gallery.
As regards space, the backbone road is a gentle curve uniting individual buildings into the skinned area and partially respecting the original access road to the Sova Mill. The entrance area at the statue of L. Dobrovský provides space for many people (with regard to public events organised at the adjacent square).

The design of the area around the statue is of milled stone.
The path round Čertovka channel has been slightly widened to five metres. Hard surface around the house No. 418 has been enlarged for any exterior activities connected with the future use of the house.
In the southern part of the park, a new path has been build to connect the existing bridge and the fishing restaurant. This way is based on the historical situation, it originally separated the Huťská Garden and the Vchynský Garden and can be seen on all historical plans (Huber, Herget, Jüttner) as well as on Langweil’s Model of Prague. This part of the park is divided by paths of stone slabs into a square grid to recapture the articulation of the former orchard in Huťská Garden. The grid is accompanied by newly planted ornamental fruit trees.
The lay-out of the Nostitz Garden remains nearly the same, with the exception of a quiet hideaway spot with garden benches on the bank of Čertovka separated from the rest of the gardens by a hedge. In the centre of the garden a new fountain will be built, the access paths on a cross lay-out will be of stepping stones built in the lawn. Other paths in the garden will be paved with stone.
The project includes the renovation of a small house No. 418, which is listed as a cultural monument. It is a part of former salla terrena of the Michna Palace from the second half of the 17th century. In the 19th century the salla terrena was turned into a garden house.