This four-winged building, named “E” after its shape, was built in 1929–1938 as the central warehouse for the Ministry of Post and Telegraphs. The building was part of a site which was built in Vysočany on previously undeveloped land comprising the main warehouse building in question, an administrative building at the entrance to the site on its eastern side, a coal store and boiler house no longer standing, a chimney and water tower, and a workshop on the southern side of the site (known as “Little E”) and garages at the place where Hall 9 currently stands.
- Prague 9, Vysočany
Project works
- 2019 - 2020
Cooperation on projects
- Marek Tichý
- Lukáš Soukup
- Anton Lukáč
- Šárka Kadeřábková
- Petr Houška

The objective of this project is to conserve the original historical character of the building and its surroundings to the maximum possible extent, leaving its weathering, multiple layers, authentic atmosphere and structural simplicity. The renovation aims to transform the building into a living operating whole which will continue to be available for use by diverse tenants from various sectors, and which allow for the holding of various cultural events and in future serve as an art hub.

During renovation, as much of the original structure and elements of great workmanship will be preserved as possible. The building will be cleaned with later deposits, modern built-in structures and extensions removed. Historic features and the original structures will be professionally refurbished and left in their raw and authentic form so that it will be clear at first glance that they are original features. The façade will be refurbished using a similar principle. The building’s surroundings will become a living venue and outdoor art gallery.